Our Father, Who Art in Heaven!

"After this manner, therefore, pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven..." 
Matt. 6:9a

When I read that Jesus told his disciples, "... call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven (Matthew 23:9), I was quite perplexed and could not grasp the meaning. In this chapter Jesus was teaching the multitude and his disciples about the scribes and the Pharisees. He warned them to follow what they say - but do not do what they do. I understood that these men were supposedly godly men that taught well but did not live out what they taught. He didn't want his followers to be like, talking the talk but now walking the walk. But, I couldn't tie what that had to do with calling men on earth father. We have earthly fathers that love, provide and protect us - sometimes!

As I continued in my walk of faith, the Lord revealed that He is the only Father that I can count on. Our earthly fathers are flawed. They have issues and problems that often time spill over into their ability, or lack thereof, to care for their children. I can't begin to ponder the number of African American households where there is no father present. So many children growing up knowing that there is such a thing as a father but coming to the realization that their fathers were unknown.

The impact of fatherless homes is being visited on countless communities where crime and murder run rampant. It's like a plague or cancer that eats away at the fabric of our communities. Satan has taken full advantage of fatherlessness and has infiltrated countless homes with contaminated so many children with this plague.

However, our True Father, wants us to know that we need to lose out on a full and abundant life because our birth father is not present in our lives. He makes it plain that we have One Father, our Creator and our God Who longs for us to come to Him.  He doesn't want us to consider ourselves fatherless because Psalms 68:5 confirms that The Lord is "Father to the fatherless..."! Beloved, it doesn't get much better than that as far as family goes! To have God as our Father speaks volumes concerning our divine lineage! 

Don't misunderstand, we are ever so grateful to God for our natural fathers. Yet, it goes without saying that they are no match for our Heavenly Father, Who art in Heaven! David understood the significance of embracing God as our Father when He wrote in Psalms 27:10, "When my father and my mother forsake me, then the Lord will take me up."

I truly don't believe the Lord desires that we compare any man to Him, not even our earthly fathers. This is notion is supported by this passage that I love to quote, it says..."If you, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give good gifts to those who ask him (Matthew 7:11)". Our heavenly Father desires that we learn to wrap our head around the fact that He is our true Father, He loves us and longs to bless us and give us good gifts.

You may have spent time this past Sunday honoring and blessing the Fathers in your life. Take a moment after reading this and just worship and love on Your Heavenly Father. I truly believe it will bless Him, and you as you enter into His presence.

Here is a song I know will help guide you into worship. I don't own the lyrics but I'm sure you've heard it before. Enjoy: Good Good Father!



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