Overwhelming Victory Takes A Village
Should you go swimming by yourself? How about climbing up that ladder to paint a 2nd story shutter or clean leaves from the gutters? Should you accept that first date invitation to meet in a quaint, non-public location? The obvious and collective response for each of these should be NO! Ever hear the expression, “Just because you can doesn’t mean you should”? You certainly can engage in a lot of activities “solo” but when the element of risk increases or there’s potential for harm, then you probably shouldn’t. Even the African proverb, “It takes a village”, while often applied to raising children, its primary root meaning is tethered to the benefits and power of living in community versus going at it alone.
Even from the very beginning of time, the universe was not created in isolation. God always existed in community as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. As He created the heavens and earth, the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image” (Genesis 1). “The Lord God said, it is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a suitable helper for him”(Genesis 2). God emphasizes the importance of community throughout scripture.
Power, strength, protection, and fulfilled promises are generously experienced through community. When we receive salvation by faith, we automatically become joined to the body of Christ (Ephesians 4:15-16). When believers from all over came together in one place (Jerusalem) on the Day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit came upon faithful believers and the Church grew by 3,000 (Acts 2). At the moment of salvation, we are indwelt by the Holy Spirit and are never left alone or forsaken from that point forward (John 14:16). When we become part of the family, we are God’s heirs and co-heirs of Christ (Romans 8:17). We even share a common bond with Christians all over the world, yet many we do not even know. But we have been designed to work as a unit, Christ’s body made up of many different parts (1 Corinthians 12:20) working collaboratively and interdependently. It is virtually impossible to have successful kingdom movement and experience kingdom victory independently by ourselves. For how can the hand open the refrigerator without legs walking toward the door. Sounds like a silly example but you get the picture. We can certainly figure out ways to do life without the involvement of others but “just because we can doesn’t mean we should”.
Going “solo” as a Christian was never part of God’s plan so why do we think it’s a good idea for us to re-invent the original design on how we walk in freedom and overwhelming victory? Independence may be a noteworthy achievement and easier route to take in this world but it does not come with the same protections and benefits that the village of God provides. Ladies, let me encourage you to feast on God’s exhortation from Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 that explains how two people are better than one and if one person falls there is someone who can reach out and help. Without the presence of another Christian in your life, you can get in real trouble when real trouble finds you.
Regardless if you view yourself as a social introvert or extravert, the “village” has been made available for believers to do this thing called life. Do a google search on bible verses containing “one another’s” and you’ll see. The need for Christian connections and fellowship may not be our need but it’s the basic spiritual DNA that our Creator God wired us with. In next week’s blog, we will explore what can happen with our emotions when we don’t use the “God-connections” made available to us - stay tuned!
But for today, WOG (Women of God), I want to encourage you to LOOK UP (Psalm 121:1-2), DRAW NEAR (Hebrews 10:22, James 4:8,) and WAIT EXPECTANTLY for a move of God (Psalm 130:5). If you don’t have a biblical connection yet, God has already made provision for this need. Don’t lean on your own understanding of what this should look like. God is funny and full of surprises. Look up! This connection may be a small step in an unexpected place. Maybe you want to expand the biblical connections you already have. Draw near and trust that God is preparing someone. If you don’t have a discipleship relationship, God has already brought one. Consider joining “The Disciple Me” study group. Additional information can be found at www.thewomenwhoovercome.org. Finally, wait expectantly. No one will be put to shame who believes in Him (Romans 10:11).
God of heaven, thank you for going before and behind me. It seems that too often my way seems so right to me and too often I choose the wrong way. I’m so grateful your mercies are new every morning and I get the opportunity to practice afresh. Thank you for providing this amazing village, “The Women Who Overcome Ministry” where encouragement and truth go out every week. I pray that the same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from His glorious riches given to us in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4) . To God be the glory. Amen!
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