Never Give Up! Overwhelming Victory Is Yours!
Never Give Up! Overwhelming Victory Is Yours!
"...despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, Who loved us." Rom. 8:37NLT
Just as it seemed we were about to overcome this COVID thing, a new strain threatens the unvaccinated, who primarily are children. What is up with all this? Why doesn't it seem like the battle is never over, the war is never won?
Well, beloved, the fight may seem to be fierce and never-ending, but I assure you, according to the promise of God, you are not in jeopardy of losing either the battle or the war! Here is why. The God that we serve has rigged both the war and the battles that may ensue in our favor! We Win! Just as Romans proclaims to us straight from the heart of our Father, the "overwhelming victory is ours through Christ..." As you may recall, I mentioned last week, God does not lie! Actually, the victory has already been decided! We are on our way to experiencing it if we don't faint or lose heart!
We have the victory because our Father, through His Son, has given it to us! We have victory over sin, victory over death, and victory of the devil! Paul calls it "Overwhelming Victory". It's too much for us to wrap our heads around but it doesn't make it any less ours! I sort of feel like Paul as I write this week's encouragement. In 1 Corinthians 15:1, 2 when he wrote, "Let me now remind you, dear brothers and sisters, of the Good News I preached to you before! It is this Good News that saves you "if you continue to believe the message..." Therein lies the key ladies to actually experiencing this overwhelming victory! We've got to believe it!
I want so much to encourage you. Sometimes it hurts to listen to so many followers of Christ doubt and minimize the power of God's Word in order to validate what they are feeling. It's like they've chosen to walk by sight, even though they know God has ordained that we walk by Faith! They believe what they see, hear and feel above what God has promised! Don't get me wrong. We are all at different stages of our spiritual development. Some of us have had to come through some really tough stuff! However, all I'm trying to get you to see is the fact that you're still standing! You're still here! You woke up this morning with brand new mercies for the mistakes you're going to make, and the Grace to sustain you as you await your breakthrough. Whatever God is allowing you to endure, He has a purpose for it! Our God is Sovereign! He is not just Sovereign over heaven and the earth - He is Sovereign over us!
I'm asking the Lord to help me because I don't want you to misunderstand what I'm trying to say to you. I yet struggle with my flesh response to all I see happening but daily I press my way! I believe my God loves me! I believe His promise not to leave me in my trouble, but to deliver me as He promised in Psalms 91. I'm yet pressing my way, standing firm even with my knees knocking some time. But, in Christ's name, I won't back down because I know Who is sustaining me! The same One that is sustaining you beloved!
I'll close with another statement Paul made to those in Philippi when He wrote "...stand firm in one spirit (and one purpose), with one mind striving side by side (as if in combat) for the faith of the gospel. And in no way be alarmed or intimidated (in anything) by your opponents, for such (constancy and fearlessness on your part) is a clear sign (a proof and a seal) for them of (their impending) destruction, but (a clear sign) for you of deliverance and salvation, and that too, from God. For you have been granted (the privilege) for Christ's sake, not only to believer and confidently trust in Him, but also to suffer for His sake..." Phil. 1:27c-29
Father, You said through your Son that in this world we would have trouble but that we should take heart because Jesus has overcome the world! Lord, help me to realize that you are greater than all my fears! More powerful than all the powers of darkness that wage war against my soul. You alone are God! May my knowledge of You grow and Your Name exalted and proclaimed by the way that I live! Forgive me for the times I lose heart and allow myself to be overcome by the cares of this world. Empower me to persevere and endure hardships in my life for the sake of Your name, and the formation of Your character in me, In Jesus Name I pray. Amen! (An excerpt of an online prayer for perseverance)
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