Overwhelming Victory Includes Both God and A Battle!
Overwhelming Victory Includes Both - God And A Battle!
by Jan McGrier
Last week’s blog, “Beloved, Never Give Up! Overwhelming Victory is Yours”, Sister Nadine posed a question in the opening paragraph.---“Why does it seem like the battle is never over, the war is never won?” As always, that blog held fast to its mission and purpose by serving up God’s Word as the plumb line for truth, while simultaneously challenging my thinking and encouraging my weary heart.
In my head, I know I’m not in jeopardy of losing either the battle or the war. I trust God’s Word. He is not a man that He should lie (Numbers 23:19). His declaration of an overwhelming victory for me is echoed throughout scripture and summarized clearly by the Apostle Paul, “ No, despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us” (Romans 8:37 NLT). But in all honesty, my eyes circled over and parked on the phrase, “ No, despite all these things”.
Uh Oh! The negative thoughts and questions came flooding in. What are “all these things”? When will I experience overwhelming victory with my own emotional and physical battles? Why do the battles in the world, including the church seem to be getting worst not better? I wasn’t looking for trouble but I sure kept thinking about it. I wasn’t looking for doubt but doubt found me. I am eternally grateful for the Holy Spirit who lives in me. He knew trouble was brewing from my stinking thinking and helped me before I even realized I needed help (Matthew 6:8). As a child of God, He does the same thing for you too because He loves us.
So, join me in staying alert Women of God! Watching out for that joker, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour (1Peter 5:8 NLT). Satan is really the one bringing the battles of doubt to our doorstep. Too often, the enemy slips into our lives, magnifying legitimate questions, and concerns so big that God and his promises get lost. If we focus too much on the battle; too much on the here and now of today’s pain, we can fall short of experiencing the eternal promised victory that is real but hoovering in the realm of the “not yet” experienced. If we focus too much on gaining victory by removing the battle altogether or desiring the fix more than the great fixer and problem solver from above, then we possibly miss out on the overwhelming victory God wants to give us for our good, HIS way, HIS time and His glory (2 Corinthians 4:17)
I get it dear ones. Your battles are different than my battles, but each of us have “these things” that are very hard and often privately painful. These things, no matter how small or big do not stop the established promise of victory in Christ Jesus. Also, have God-confidence in knowing that each battle is temporary. When on the front lines of a conflict, trial, or battle, one minute or one week can feel like an eternity. But despite these things, there is purpose and none of these things lasts forever nor any longer than necessary as determined by God. Knowing that our battles are part of the bigger picture of victory, I pray that you are encouraged to take steps forward in faith and in partnership with God. He can help us shift our willingness meter in full surrender from a world view to an eternal perspective which is spiritually rich in hopeful expectation, faith, trust, and even joy that simply has to be worked out (James 1:4)
In closing, I’m stating the obvious. We really don’t choose our battles, they choose us. But we can be intentional in how we respond. Remember we are in the world but not of the world. Let’s choose to fix our eyes on what is unseen since what is seen is temporary and what is unseen is eternal. (2 Corinthians 4:18) . It is in the unseen that we are able to practice walking by faith and not by sight. And when we stumble in the dark or feel our strength slipping In the midst of the battle, our El Roi, the God who sees, brings in the Calvary. Our most powerful guide and helper, the Holy Spirit shows up and shows out. He can and does bust up faulty thinking, unhealthy feelings and sets our feet back on solid ground. Don’t get distracted by the chaos, disorder, and discomfort of what we see and feel in the moment.
Overwhelming Victory is ours and includes God and a Battle! Can’t have Overwhelming Victory without a Battle and can’t have a battle without God sovereignly setting up the challenges, finish lines, and the victory flags. Trust God, He knows what He’s doing. Look expectantly for this overwhelming victory that has already been won. As a child of God, Co-Heirs of Christ, we have been given the shield of salvation, and God’s righteous right hand to uphold us. His gentleness makes us great. Some boast about this fix and that fix, this book or that method. Women of God let's boast in the name of the Lord. Our Redeemer King is the source and creator of all fixes to any, yes any problem. We can and will rise and stand upright in the midst of our battles because our Hope is in Christ Alone. Thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 15:57; Psalm 20:7-8).
Father, thank you for your love and care. I pray that the eyes of your daughters’ hearts may be enlightened so that we know the hope of glory in Christ the Lord to which you have called us. Please forgive us in times where our spiritual amnesia prevented us from recounting how you kept your promises to us. Strengthen our mind, body, and soul so that we are strong in you Lord, mighty in your power because apart from you we can do nothing-- withstand battles nor be prepared to receive any victories. Great is your faithfulness O’ God. In Jesus Name I pray. Amen!
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