Even before the pandemic made social distancing and isolation the “new normal”; loneliness was considered a mental health epidemic in the United States. Research indicates that almost one-half of us have feelings of being left out, left behind, or not really being known (Forbes.com June 2021). The truth of the matter is that we can feel lonely when physically apart from others or in the presence of others.
God also had many servant leaders like Joshua, David, Jeremiah, Isaiah, and Paul who suffered loneliness. God’s Word is true and contains true accounts of ordinary people who battled loneliness in everyday life and ministry assignments. Take a look at Leah, she understandably felt alone and rejected as she lived with a husband (Jacob) whose heart had always been for her sister. That particular loneliness bucket never did get satisfied even after she bore him seven children. Maybe you are facing loneliness in a health battle and can relate to the woman who had issues with bleeding (Luke 8:43-48). For twelve long years, she lived with this incurable problem leaving her physically isolated and emotionally abandoned from the whole town.
When this unwelcomed feeling of loneliness knocks on your door, the solution or “course correction” will not be found in adding new activities to your life. Course corrections that involve any effort on our part but leave out God is meaningless (Ecclesiastes). Meaningful course correction does not come about by picking up a new hobby or finding a new friend although these can seem very nice things to do.
The course correction that addresses loneliness comes about when we return to the ONE who is our rock and salvation and never changes. His name is Jesus. Go ahead, share this good news generously for we overcome by the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimony (Revelation 12:11). You see Beloved, our loneliness is not a people problem, our loneliness is a connection problem. We are born with a deep supernatural need to be connected— with God first and foremost then with others. When we have either fallen asleep or have neglected our connection to the One who gives us purpose and identity, loneliness can be one of those emotions that fills up the empty space.
Distractions, hurts, disappointments, people-pleasing and sin – all these can create an opportunity for loneliness to fill in the empty spaces or schisms. But Women of God, hear me clearly, straight from the Word of God, this battle has already been won (Colossians 2:15, 2 Corinthians 10:4, Luke 10:19, Romans 8:38-39). We have the Holy Spirit, our Helper, Who abides with us forever and does not leave us orphans nor does He walk away from a battle. This promise stands no matter how our circumstances lead us to see, think or feel.
The experience of our connection with our Lord and Savior becomes sharper, stronger, and less prone to disruption by loneliness when we abide in Him (John 15); seek Him (2 Chronicles 15:2, Jeremiah 29:13, Matthew 6:33) and call His name.
His name alone has the authority and power to relocate our loneliness from the front seat to the back seat and then kicked out of our hearts for good. What a victory, what a wonderful Savior. He is able and He is greater, He sees and He knows.
While on the cross, Jesus cried out “My God, My God, why have you forsaken me” (Mark 15:34)? What despair, what loneliness Jesus must have experienced as the sins of the whole world were being placed on his broken and bloodied body (I Peter 2:24; 3:18, 2 Corinthians 5:21) separating Him from his Father. At the precise moment of his sacrificial death, the temple curtain was torn and all God’s children no longer had to perform this annual ritual to have our sins forgiven and to have a personal, intimate connection with a Holy God. If you have received Christ as your Lord and Savior by grace through faith, then you have this unbreakable, unshakable connection with God too, through his Son Jesus Christ and you have been sealed by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Just being in His mere presence, brings fullness of joy (Psalm 16:11). Think about it ladies. We don’t have to try to find happiness or work at figuring out how to NOT feel lonely. Get to the right connection quick! The right connection is Jesus. Those who are in Christ Jesus have been given a new heart where rivers of living water flow (John 7:38). I want to encourage you to thirst for Him and Him alone. Be like the Psalmist that describes God-seekers as the deer who pants for streams of water and longing for God (Psalm 42:1)
So here’s the closing challenge I humbly place before you if you’re battling with loneliness. Stop starring at the darkness. There’s nothing but death there. Loneliness is darkness and it’s taking up valuable real estate in your heart that’s meant only for Jesus. Even the simple movement of shifting your vision up to where your help comes from is victory in motion. Do we stare at the dry ground when seeking rain in a drought? Start seeking God or seeking more of Him quick. He’s the right connection to shift away from loneliness. God is light and there is no darkness in him at all (1 John 1:5).
Father, thank you for loving us so much that you gave your one and only Son so that our connection to you could be redeemed and restored. I pray that your grace would be multiplied and showered lavishly over your daughters. I thank you in advance for your supernatural release of any loneliness buried in hearts and that you would receive all the glory. In the life-giving name of Jesus, Amen.
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